Location May Make A Difference
We have all heard the phrase “location, location, location”. Well, according to a July 18, 2011 article in the Wall Street Journal the location of your pending lawsuit could make a difference in the outcome of consumer debt collections. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303365804576433763597389214.html
Consumer debt is different from commercial debt but many of the same type issues arise. Most of our cases are commercial or business debt recovery where we represent the business creditor.
We have found most Judges in North Carolina are fairly consistent in their rulings in applying the law. It has been our experience that Judges throughout do their very best to apply the law to each case as they understand the facts. Judges are individuals who have been shaped by life experiences and circumstances which could have an impact on how they perceive the facts of each case.
Selecting where you file your case may have an impact on your case due to many circumstances. Such circumstances may include travel expenses, whether you litigate your issue in your jurisdiction or the defendant’s, the court of jurisdiction and so on.
These are helpful ideas to discuss with your counsel. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us.