J.D. Hensarling Named to the 2025 Super Lawyers List

Vann Attorneys, PLLC is proud to announce that J.D. Hensarling has been selected to the 2025 Super Lawyers list, a distinction recognizing attorneys who exemplify professional excellence, legal skill, and a commitment to their clients and colleagues. This honor is reserved for the top 5% of attorneys in North Carolina and is a reflection of J.D.’s exceptional litigation and dispute resolution practice.

Webinar: Get Prepared for Litigation!

No matter the size of your organization, chances are high you will face a claim in the future. Preparing for and understanding litigation is critical for any business leader. In this webinar, attorney J.D. Hensarling discusses some tips and best practices to help your organization prepare for litigation.

Ambiguous Contract Terms can lead to an Undesired Result

Parties sometimes draft their own contracts. If it is a simple transaction or deal, or if they have a go-by to use, they might think, “Why not?” This can lead to some serious problems, not the least of which is that the contract does not state what the parties agreed to. I see this sometimes in my litigation practice. A client might ask us to demand that the other party do such and such. After reviewing the contract, we learn that the contract does not require the other party to do such and such. This problem can arise even in complex contracts drafted by lawyers and involving sophisticated business parties. A recent case out of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals reminds us of this pitfall.

Preparing for Mediation

Many commercial and civil cases will end up in mediation. Mediation is the informal process in which the parties discuss and negotiate a possible resolution of their case with the help of a third-party neutral. The process works. As they anticipate mediation, parties often ask what they should do to prepare. Here are some thoughts.

Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 30(b)(6) Has Been Amended

Effective December 1, 2020, Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 30(b)(6) was amended to include the following added language: Before or promptly after the notice or subpoena is served, the serving party and the organization must confer in good faith about the matters for examination. A subpoena must advise a nonparty organization of its duty to confer with the serving party [and to designate each person who will testify].

Court Ruling Finds COVID-19 Business Losses Covered

A recent COVID-19 related ruling out of Durham County may provide some answers, at least in part, to the questions being posed by North Carolina business owners who have suffered losses because of interruptions to their businesses due to COVID-19.

You Have Been Served with a Subpoena—What Do You Do?

You have been served with a North Carolina state court subpoena and you are wondering what your next steps are. How long do you have to respond? How should you respond? These are great questions. The attorneys at Vann Attorneys, PLLC can help you answer all of these questions. But, let’s look at the basics.

A Cautionary Discovery Tale

The recent decision in Abbott Labs. V. Adelphia Supply USA, 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 50928 (E.D.N.Y. March 24, 2020), has the legal world buzzing. This is a trademark case alleging infringement by the sale of generic diabetes test strips. The attention appears to be justified and litigants and lawyers should take notice of the actions and problems that led to the Court’s decision in the case.

Good Advice in Tough Times

I have a friend who is a lawyer in another state. He and I were talking one day and I asked him, “If you were to give any advice to a lawyer representing a client in an active court case, what advice would you give him or her?” He chuckled, thought for a moment, and then gave me some good advice.