Webinar: Accepting Checks & Other Forms of Payment From Your Customers

COMPLIMENTARY WEBINAR FOR OUR CLIENTS & GUESTSThursday, July 25, 20193:00 – 3:45 PM ESTAccepting Checks & Other Forms of Payment From Your CustomersPresented by James VannWhen a customer writes in the memo field, does that impact collection? What happens when a customer remits payment to another branch? Do you know what to do when a customer makes a payment for …

Duty to Preserve and the Preservation Order

If you have been involved in a lawsuit before, you may remember seeing or receiving what is typically called a “preservation letter”. What is this preservation letter and what does it do?  A preservation letter may also be called a preservation order, a litigation hold, or a hold order. This is a letter instructing the recipient not to destroy, alter, or …

Who Owns Your Company’s Social Media Presence?

How the business’s online presence is created, whether through the formation of a website and/or social media account(s), is at the discretion of the business owners. Creating an online presence for your company through a social media site such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, or creating your own website effectively advertises your business before a large audience.

Using GPS Tracking Devices in the Business Context | An Interesting Twist

While mostly always beneficial to our daily lives, the integration of new technology into everyday activity has also raised quite a number of legal concerns. Let’s say a business competitor of yours places a GPS tracking device on the bottom of your vehicle and keeps track of your location as you travel from place to place.

Webinar: Responding to Subpoenas & Preserving Information

Thursday June 21, 2018 from 3:30 to 4:00 p.m Responding to Subpoenas & Preserving Information What do you do when you’ve been served with a subpoena? What is your timeframe to respond? What are you required to do? Can you object to your subpoena? What information must you preserve? JD Hensarling will answer these questions and more during this fast …

Webinar: Non-compete, Non-disclosure, & Non-solicitation Agreements in North Carolina

Wednesday May 2, 2018 from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m Non-compete, Non-disclosure, and Non-solicitation Agreements in North Carolina Non-compete, non-disclosure and non-solicitation agreements can add value to the purchase of a business, and can help your company protect its confidential information and keep its customers. But, a poorly drafted or mis-timed agreement can be worth less than the time it takes …

Collections Techniques in Bankruptcy

Jim Beck discusses discusses situations in which a bankruptcy is either beneficial to a creditor or only a mild hindrance to collection. Creditors should actively seek out opportunities to use the bankruptcy laws to their benefit and make sure there are no available recovery options prior to ceasing collection activities.

Webinar: 2017 North Carolina Lien Law & Payment Bond Law Update

Vann Attorneys will be hosting this webinar on Thursday, October 19, 2017 from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. North Carolina Lien Law in 2017: Three Important Things to Remember. Join us as we discuss the current lien law for North Carolina. We will identify three areas of the law that are important to remember as subcontractors and/or suppliers.

Letter of Intent and Term Sheet in a Business Transaction

Often times in a business transaction where a business is buying or selling a business, a Letter of Intent and Term Sheet is agreed to in order to set the stage for the transaction.  Generally the buyer will present to the seller a letter of intent to set out the terms and conditions for the purchase.  This generally is presented to the seller after there has been…

Resolving a Contract Dispute

Business contract disputes are generally not fun to encounter. The disputes often interrupt the natural flow of business and can become an issue with cash flow and financial performance. How to resolve the business disputes is always something to consider.