Electronic Information-Hacking for Business (Make it a Dream and Not a Nightmare)

Our lives have been irrevocably changed by technology.  We use technology every day and rely upon the usefulness of it.  The technology which businesses utilize is normally designed to make work easier, more effective and efficient.  As technology advances, so do the minds of those who want to use technology dishonestly or for the wrong purpose.

An article in the Wall Street Journal pointed out how technology being used dishonestly can cripple your business.  http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304567604576454173706460768.html

As a business owner, we all want to provide better and memorable service to our customers.  Providing memorable service to our customers generally requires the use of software and/or digital information which often times saves and stores information about our customers electronically.  This can and should be a dream come true as a business owner!

If your business is collecting personally identifying information on your customers such as social security numbers, corporate EIN numbers, drivers license numbers, date of birth, credit card numbers, banking information, etc, North Carolina law and Federal regulations require you to take actions to safeguard that information.  The North Carolina law was enacted to protect identity theft.  The Federal regulations are referred to as “Red Flag” policy and was designed to identify activities, inquires, inconsistencies and information which should be considered “red flags” regarding customer information.

Hacking into business data is no longer only for the big companies.  Each and every small business needs to be proactive in protecting the information collected on behalf of your customers.

If you have questions regarding the North Carolina law or Federal regulations, please feel free to contact us.  Make the use of your technology a dream for your business!