How Can An Attorney Help After You have Been Injured in a Car Accident?
By Ian Richardson
Attorney at Law

Being in a car crash is a difficult and frustrating experience under the best of circumstances. Even if you were not injured in the wreck, you will likely be without your car for a significant period of time while it is being repaired. If you were injured in the wreck, you have to focus on healing from your injuries while also likely navigating through a stack of confusing, and at times very expensive, medical bills. An attorney cannot take away the frustration or pain you are experiencing. However, an experienced personal injury attorney can help make sure you are treated fairly by the at-fault driver’s insurance company, and work to maximize the compensation to you for your pain, suffering, and frustration.
When we meet with people who have been in a car accident we first seek to understand how the accident happened. This helps us to determine who may be at fault, and from whom you can possibly recover.
We then seek to determine the available insurance coverage. Unfortunately, often at-fault drivers have only minimal insurance coverage, which causes us to look to underinsured motorist coverage to make up the difference on your claim. You need an attorney who understands insurance coverage so that you can be sure you are receiving everything to which you may be entitled.
In addition to understanding the insurance coverage, you need attorneys who understand your injuries and who can speak to the insurance companies, and if necessary, the jury, about the impact your injuries have had on your life.
Once we understand how the accident happened, the extent of your injuries, and who is at fault, we will make a demand on the at-fault parties and their insurance companies. Sometimes cases can be fairly resolved before a lawsuit is filed through a settlement. Other times, a settlement may still occur, but it will occur after a lawsuit has been filed and discovery of relevant facts has occurred. Other times, a settlement is not feasible (for a variety of reasons) and a trial is necessary. We believe if you would like to have a chance at settling your case for a fair amount of compensation, you need an attorney with a reputation for being willing to go to trial.
Every party to a lawsuit, no matter the circumstances, would like to avoid the uncertainty, time, and expense of a trial. However, sometimes trial is unavoidable. If a fair resolution cannot be reached without telling your story to a jury, then you, and your lawyer, need to be prepared to try your case in order to obtain a fair outcome after your car accident.
An experienced personal injury attorney cannot heal the pain of someone injured in a car accident, nor can they bring back a loved one who has been killed in a car accident. However, an experienced personal injury attorney can help you navigate the process and help to make sure you receive a fair resolution, whether that resolution is the result of settlement or trial. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident and you would like to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney, please give us a call to discuss your situation.
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