Requests for Admission

By Caitlin S. Truelove
Attorney at Law


The Discovery stage of a lawsuit is important because it is when you can determine what information the opposing party is in possession of to support their claims or defenses. These discovery tools include interrogatories, requests for production of documents, requests for admission, and depositions.

Requests for admittance are a great tool to use to go through the elements of a claim or defense that the opposing party has asserted and see if there are any ways to attach the claim or defense such as requesting that they admit that there was no one around who heard the alleged defamatory statement other than the party-witness making the statement and the person the statement was about. These requests for admission are made under oath and are the attestations of the party answering the requests. These are great tools to use later to undermine the credibility of a witness if documents produced contradict what that party-witness wrote in response to the admission. Requests for admission are also a wonderful opportunity to confirm certain facts in the case that may be in dispute.

Another aspect of Requests for Admission which makes them a great tool is that, if the other party fails to respond to them, then the requests are admitted, as a matter of law. Unfortunately, this same benefit can also be used against you. That is why it is always important to read any discovery requests that you receive from the opposing party and answer them within the time limit set by statute, which is thirty days. You may file a request for an extension of time. If the Court grants your request, the Court will issue an order which will give you up to a thirty-day extension to respond to the discovery requests.

If you need assistance with preparing requests for admittance for the opposing party or answering requests for admittance from the opposing party, the attorneys at Vann Attorneys would be happy to assist you.

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