Alternative Dispute Resolution: An Overview Of The Process And Its Prevalence In Civil Actions

In today’s credit-driven society, disputes and complaints are an almost everyday occurrence. The time and resources expended to reach a reasonable solution to even minor disputes substantially increases the cost of doing business. Attorney’s fees and litigation costs are far from rare. In facing the dilemma of backed-up court dockets and mounting public frustration at the perceived inability to quickly …

Succeeding in a Tough Economy

In these difficult and volatile economic times, it may feel like you are not in control of your business. It is important, therefore, to make sure that the things that you can control are working in your favor and that you are taking advantage of the resources and tools that you have at your disposal. First, make sure that your …

Identity Theft: How to “Freeze” Access To Your Credit by Richard Prosser

Are you concerned about identity theft? The answer is straightforwardly simple:“Absolutely and wholeheartedly, YES!” And if anyone has ever taken your credit for a spin, you are likely to follow with, “And you just can’t imagine how awful it truly is.” If there is one thing that can’t be said enough, it is that no matter how many safeguards you …

Identify Theft and FTC Red Flag

North Carolina law provides that a business which operates in North Carolina and collects personally identifiable information (social security number, drivers license number, date of birth, etc.) on individuals (including employees and customers), the business is required to maintain an Identify Theft Policy. The Federal Trade Commission now requires businesses to identify “red flags” which are areas for possible identify …

Signs That A Customer May Be Approaching Bankruptcy

It can be shocking, crushing, and, worse, financially devastating to have a valued customer declare bankruptcy. However, the ambitious credit manager and business owner should strive to be prepared for the bankruptcy of a customer. Careful planning can mitigate or even negate the economic impact of a customer’s bankruptcy. Yet to fully prepare for the worst, it is necessary to …

Post Judgment Remedies: What To Do When All Seems Lost

Post Judgment Remedies: What To Do When All Seems LostBy James R. VannAttorney at Law Obtaining a judgment is only the initial hurdle in collecting a debt. On many occasions, a Writ of Execution will be returned by the Sheriff unsatisfied. The initial response may be to cease collection efforts. However, there are several mechanisms provided for by the law to …

How To Manage Bankruptcy Issues As A Creditor

Preferential Transfers in Bankruptcy: How to Minimize the Preference Risk For suppliers of goods and services, nothing may be more unsettling than discovering that a customer has filed for bankruptcy. To add insult to injury, there is a risk that any recently received payment or settlement might be recaptured by the bankruptcy trustee as a preferential transfer or “preference”. Do …