2017 First Quarter Newsletter

James Vann, Joe Davies and Jim Beck discuss Accepting Partial Rent, Clarifying Possessory Liens in North Carolina, The Necessity of Well-Drafted Agreements, and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in this issue of the Vann Attorneys Legal Pad newsletter.

The Benefits of Forming as an LLC

Deciding which business entity your new company should be is a daunting task.  You will need to consider the tax implications, the state liability issues, and what ongoing responsibilities will have to be performed in order to keep the company in good standing.  Fortunately, for most the choice ends up being relatively simple: form as a limited liability company or …

Supreme Court Will Determine Whether ECOA Applies to Guarantors

About eighteen months ago, we wrote in this space about the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) and its application to requiring spousal guaranties as part of extending credit to customers. Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a case to determine whether the ECOA applies at all to guarantors. Under the terms of the statute, the law applies only …

Webinar: Pre-Judgment Proceedings

Tuesday, July 22, 2014 from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m.Vann Attorneys Webinar: Pre-Judgment Proceedings How do you improve your chances of recovery before a lawsuit? Join our webinar on how to improve your chances of recovery in a lawsuit and how to secure assets before filing. When waiting for a judgment is not an option, there are other methods available to recover …

A Check is a Check is A Check…

Most of us are accustomed to treating bank checks – whether we call them cashier’s checks or certified checks – as substantially different from personal checks. And in many respects, they are different – when someone has gone to the trouble to get a check from their bank, you can usually be pretty confident that the check will be honored. …

Drone Law Coming to North Carolina

Most of us are familiar with unmanned drones being used for military and reconnaissance purposes. However, some are looking for ways to use drones for commercial purposes. For example, Amazon is exploring the feasibility of delivering packages via drones. Farmers already use drones to fertilize crops. North Carolina is seeking to become a leader in the drone industry, hoping to …

Confidentiality Provisions in Settlement Agreements

If you’ve ever signed a settlement agreement resolving some dispute, chances are pretty good it contained a confidentiality provision. In many cases, one side or both wish to keep the terms of a settlement to themselves – whether to avoid disclosure of amounts paid to settle or for some other reason. In our experience, these provisions are often paid lip …

Joint Check Agreements – Not a Silver Bullet

Joint check agreements, or joint pay agreements, are a common credit management device, and can be an excellent tool to make sure that you get paid when your customer does. In most cases, however, they do not create a situation where you can seek money directly from the general contractor. In order to use them effectively, it is important to …

Protecting Your Hard Work: Do You Need a Trademark? Raleigh Law Firm

Businesses spend substantial resources on developing a brand, establishing goodwill with their customers and the general public and differentiating themselves from competitors.  A successful business therefore has a strong incentive to protect its identity.  That identity may be a name, a logo or some other unique phrase or mark.  In many situations, it is not only helpful- it’s vital- that …

The Importance of a Name

One would be hard-pressed to overstate the importance of a name in the business world. The name of a business is its identity. Many names become so valued, or are so valued by the owner, that they are trademarked so nobody else can benefit from the name. In my profession, getting the names of the parties to a lawsuit correct …

District Court vs. Small Claims Court – It’s Not Just the Amount at Stake

District Court vs. Small Claims Court – It’s Not Just the Amount at StakeBy James R. VannAttorney at Law In the movie Sliding Doors, the simple act of catching or missing a particular train led the main character’s life down two drastically different potential paths. While certainly not as dramatic, a similar divergent path can appear when considering whether to file …

Spousal Guarantees | Raleigh Law Firm

Obviously, creditors would like to obtain as much security as possible prior to making a loan, but it is also important to keep in mind the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA). For anyone not familiar with the ECOA, it is a federal law that prohibits lenders from discriminating against borrowers based on their race, religion, national origin, sex, or marital …

So You Want to Start a Business | Raleigh Law Firm

Many people in America dream of owning their own business. Every day, people quit their jobs and risk everything so they can have the freedom and control to make their own way in the business world. Many who become entrepreneurs certainly have the business knowledge and experience to be successful. Unfortunately, even great entrepreneurs fail to consider the legal aspects …

Non-Compete Agreements in North Carolina | Raleigh Law Firm

Non-compete agreements are now a very common component of employment contracts. Generally, these agreements serve a useful purpose: they help keep markets and industries healthy by restricting companies from stealing each other’s employees solely to obtain clients or confidential information to damage their competitors. Smaller companies and startups are especially likely to rely on non-compete agreements to protect themselves from …

Protecting the Corporate Form in North Carolina | Raleigh Law Firm

The North Carolina Court of Appeals recently issued a decision regarding piercing the corporate veil, which reiterated that under North Carolina’s “instrumentality rule” an owner of a corporation or limited liability company can be held liable for the debts of the company, even if he or she is found not to have engaged in any wrongdoing individually. In Estate of …